Archive for 2017

Youngsters to launch eclipse balloon

| June 30, 2017

The two daughters of Winston, KI7CSK, Rebecca and Kimberley, are planning to launch a new high-altitude Balloon mission with APRS tracking for the North American solar eclipse on 21 August 2017. The sisters will be working alongside other citizen scientists in a campaign called the Eclipse Ballooning Project, which will be gathering high-altitude data during […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| June 30, 2017

Hundreds of radio amateurs have attended RSGB Conventions and had a great time. If you’ve never been, take a look at our new video and find out why some people come back year after year. The dates for the 2017 event are 13 to 15 October 2017 and it takes place at Kents Hill Conference […]

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GB2RS News Script for 2 July 2017

| June 30, 2017

Please click the link below to download this week’s news script* GB2RS News Script for 2 July 2017 *If you are used to the script downloading automatically, please click the link above instead as that feature has now been discontinued.

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Rallies and Events News – 2 July 2017

| June 30, 2017

The Barford Norfolk Radio Rally is on Sunday, 2 July, at Barford Village Hall and Green, Barford, Norwich NR9 4AB. Talk-in is on S22 and car parking is free. Doors open at 8am for traders and 9am for visitors. There will be trade stands, a car boot sale, a bring-and-buy, raffle, repeater group representatives and […]

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DX News – 2 July 2017

| June 30, 2017

Gil, 4F2KWT will be active as 4G1L from Palawan Island, IOTA reference OC-128, between 7 and 9 July. He will operate CW and RTTY on the 30 and 20m bands. QSL via his home call sign. John, G4IRN will be operating holiday-style from the Maldive Islands until 6 July. He plans to use 100 watts […]

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Special Events News – 2 July 2017

| June 30, 2017

Dennis, G7AGZ will operate GB6BEN on the 50, 145 and 433MHz bands as he climbs Ben Nevis in aid of Cornwall Hospice Care around 8 July onwards. See for full details. QSL via the bureau and eQSL, with SWL reports welcome. Durham and District ARS is participating as one of the bonus stations in […]

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