Archive for 2017

Rallies and Events News – 6 August 2017

| August 4, 2017

The 28th King’s Lynn ARC Great Eastern Radio Rally takes place on Sunday, 6 August, at Gaywood Community Centre, Gayton Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk PE30 4DZ. Car parking on site is free and talk-in will be provided on 145.550MHz. Doors open at 9am, with admission £2. There will be trade stands and a bring-and-buy. There […]

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DX News – 6 August 2017

| August 4, 2017

Gianluca, IK4LZH and Teresa, IU4ICT will be active as 4O/IK4LZH and 4O/IU4ICT from Montenegro between 6 and 15 August. They will operate SSB on 40 and 20 metres. QSLs via Logbook of The World, eQSL or via IK4LZH, bureau preferred. Alex, F4GHS will be active holiday style as E51GHS from Aitutaki, IOTA reference OC-083, between […]

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Special Events News – 6 August 2017

| August 4, 2017

We start with details of Regional Youngsters On The Air activities. GB17YOTA will be a big signal on many bands this week, marking the RSGB international YOTA event at Gilwell Park. Listen out for them and give them a cal—there will be a mixture of operators in the age range from 15 to 25 visiting […]

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Contest News – 6 August 2017

| August 4, 2017

The 432MHz Low Power contest takes place on Sunday, the 6th, running from 0800 to 1200UTC. Using all modes on 70cm, the exchange is signal report, serial number, locator and postcode. On Tuesday the 432MHz FM Activity Contest runs from 1800 to 1900UTC. It is immediately followed by the 432MHz UK Activity Contest from 1900 […]

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Propagation News – 6 August 2017

| August 4, 2017

Last week was characterised by reasonably settled geomagnetic conditions and a solar flux index in the low 70s. The settled conditions meant that, despite the ionosphere still suffering from the summer doldrums, there was HF DX to be had. Andy, M0NKR reports working Z81D South Sudan and TX5EG Marquesas Island on Monday as well as […]

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News for England Midlands – 6 August 2017

| August 4, 2017

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Cheltenham Amateur Radio Association has a net from 8.30am on Sunday and next Sunday on 50.220 USB. On Tuesday there’s a QRS CW net around 3540-3550kHz from 8pm. Contact Derek, G3NKS, on 01242 241 099. Wythall Radio Club has its regular net at 8pm on […]

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