Archive for 2017

Contest News – 15 October 2017

| October 13, 2017

The Oceania DX CW Contest ends its 24 hour run at 0800UTC today, the 15th. Using the 1.8 to 28MHz bands, the exchange is signal report and serial number. On Tuesday it’s the 1.3GHz UKAC from 1900 to 2130UTC. Using all modes on the 23cm band, RST, serial number and locator forms the exchange. On […]

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Propagation News – 15 October 2017

| October 13, 2017

Last week saw a mixed bag in terms of HF propagation. At the beginning, quiet geomagnetic conditions saw the HF bands alive with DX. With the K-index hovering between zero and one, the ionosphere was showing what it can do during a typical autumn day. There were openings up to and including 12 metres, with […]

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News for England Midlands – 15 October 2017

| October 13, 2017

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Wythall Radio Club has its regular net at 8pm this Sunday and next Sunday on 145.225MHz or GB3WL. On Tuesday there’s a Morse class then discussion of the current state of LF. Details from Chris, G0EYO, on 07710 412 819. Coventry Amateur Radio Society has […]

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News for England North – 15 October 2017

| October 13, 2017

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Denby Dale Radio Club has its net via GB3HD from 10.30am this Sunday and next Sunday. The AGM is on Wednesday and JOTA activities at Bardley Wood run from Friday to Sunday. Details from Darran, G0BWB, on 0797 442 3227. Angel of the North Amateur […]

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News for Northern Ireland – 15 October 2017

| October 13, 2017

No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week.

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News for Scotland – 15 October 2017

| October 13, 2017

Dundee Amateur Radio Club is preparing for JOTA on Tuesday. Next Saturday and Sunday sees the JOTA station at Monikie Scout Hall. Contact Martin, 2M0KAU, on 0776 370 8933. On Tuesday Livingston and District Amateur Radio Society is having an operating and training evening. Next Saturday and Sunday sees activities for JOTA. Details from Cathie, […]

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