Archive for 2017

Also in GB2RS this week…

| October 27, 2017

The Scottish Microwave Round Table will take place on Saturday, 4 November 2017 at the Museum of Communication, Burntisland, Fife. There will be four talks on such subjects as a 10GHz station, 13cm SOTA, a 10GHz beacon and modifications to the DB6NT G2 transverters. The GM round of the UK Microwave Group Projects trophy will […]

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GB2RS News Script for 29 October 2017

| October 27, 2017

Please click the link below to download this week’s news script GB2RS News Script for 29 October 2017

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Rallies and Events News – 29 October 2017

| October 27, 2017

There are no rallies in the diary for this weekend, the 28th and 29th. On 5 November the West London Radio and Electronics Show, also known as the Kempton Rally, will take place at Kempton Park Racecourse, Staines Road East, Sunbury-on-Thames, TW16 5AQ. There will be a talk-in station, and on-site car parking is free. […]

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DX News – 29 October 2017

| October 27, 2017

Two Canadian amateurs will operate as VY0ERC from the Eureka Amateur Radio Club station on Ellesmere Island, IOTA reference NA-008, until 10 November. Jean-Paul, HB9ARY will be active as 3B8HC from Mauritius Island, AF-049, between 4 and 18 November. He will operate SSB and slow CW on 80-10 metres, with a focus on 80m. QSL […]

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Special Event News – 29 October 2017

| October 27, 2017

Hull is the UK’s City of Culture throughout 2017. Hull and District Amateur Radio Society has had the special event call sign GB17HCC on the air regularly and over 500 QSOs have been made so far. QSLs received via the RSGB Bureau will be replied to once all QSLs have been received.

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Contest News – 29 October 2017

| October 27, 2017

This weekend from 0000UTC on the 28th to 2359UTC on the 29th, the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest takes place. Using all the contest bands from 1.8 to 28MHz, the exchange is signal report and zone, which for the UK is 14. On Wednesday, the UK EI Counties Contest runs from 2000 to 2100UTC. […]

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