Archive for 2017

Contest opinions sought by IARU

| November 3, 2017

IARU Region 1 has a new contest working group that is responsible for organising future Region 1 contests. They want to know the opinion of the contester or the contest teams who send their log to the robot or to the national contest manager. They also want to hear from those who just give away […]

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10GHz beacon back on the air

| November 3, 2017

The GB3LEX 10GHz beacon situated in Leicestershire was returned to service on 15 October 2017. It is running at its licensed power using a new PA that became available thanks to the late G4HUP. Reports would be appreciated via, via the DX cluster, or on Beacon Spot.

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Want to host Train the Trainers?

| November 3, 2017

The RSGB is looking for inquiries from clubs interested in hosting Train the Trainers during 2018. There are currently four slots available, spread over the year. We would be particularly interested in hearing from clubs in areas not yet served by an event. These include, for example, the North Wales and Flint area, the Midlands […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| November 3, 2017

The RSGB has released the first of its Strategy video updates. This short video was filmed by the TX Factor at National Hamfest. Top RSGB representatives talk about some of the ways the Society is engaging with radio amateurs, representing amateurs nationally and internationally, and also developing even better ways of communicating with them. More […]

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RSGB Strategy video update

| November 3, 2017

The RSGB has released the first of its Strategy video updates. In this short video (which was filmed by the TX Factor at National Hamfest) the President, Chairman, General Manager and the Communications Manager talk about some of the ways the Society is engaging with radio amateurs, representing them nationally and internationally and also developing […]

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1,200 responses to VDSL RFI survey

| November 3, 2017

The EMC Committee would like to thank all 1,200 radio amateurs who took part in the VDSL RFI survey. The results have been analysed and were presented at the RSGB 2017 Convention. To see the PowerPoint presentation, watch the video of the Convention lecture or take part in the survey go to the EMC Committee […]

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