Archive for 2017

News for Northern Ireland – 8 January 2017

| January 6, 2017

No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week.

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News for Scotland – 8 January 2017

| January 6, 2017

On Tuesday Livingston and District Amateur Radio Society is having a talk. Details from Cathie, 2M0DIB, on 01506 433 846. On Wednesday Glenrothes and DRC is having a catch-up after the holiday season. Contact Tam, MM0TGB, on 0775 3526 498. On Wednesday Lothians Radio Society is joining the Edinburgh Cine and Video Society for a […]

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News for England South-East – 8 January 2017

| January 6, 2017

Places are still available on the RSGB Train the Trainers course at Cray Valley Radio Society in Eltham on Saturday, 12 January. For details, or to book a place, email as soon as possible. Surrey Radio Contact Club has its net on 1905kHz from 9.30am today and next Sunday. Monday sees a talk on […]

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News for England South-West – 8 January 2017

| January 6, 2017

Exeter Amateur Radio Society has its net on GB3EW from 7.45pm on Tuesday. Thursday sees a meeting in America Hall at 6.30pm. Contact Nick, M0NRJ, on 01363 775 756. Thornbury and South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio Club has its AGM on Wednesday. Friday sees the regular VHF net. Contact Mark, 2E0RKM, on 0777 629 2813. On […]

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News for Wales – 8 January 2017

| January 6, 2017

Aberystwyth and District Amateur Radio Society is having a Waunfawr Hall junk or pre-owned sale today. Next Saturday sees a talk on software-defined radio by James, GW6JWD. Contact Ray, GW7AGG, on 01970 611 853. On Monday Cleddau Amateur Radio Society is working on a video/audio project. Details from Heinz, MW0ECY, on 0774 804 7008. On […]

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John Roberts, GW3RBM, 17th December 2016

| January 4, 2017

Wrexham Amateur Radio Society is sad to announce that our Life President John Roberts, GW3RBM went Silent Key on 17 December 2016. John’s funeral was held at Wrexham Crematorium 30th December 2016 and was attended by many Amateurs from around the area. A sad loss to both our club and john’s family. RIP John Eifion Parry,  MW6EYU […]

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