Archive for 2017

News for England South-East – 26 November 2017

| November 24, 2017

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Horsham Amateur Radio Club has a fox hunt this Sunday morning. Next Saturday sees the club Christmas event at The Chequers, Rowhook. Details from Alistair, G3ZBU, on 07855 268 666. Radio Society of Harrow has its club net on 1938kHz LSB from 12 noon this […]

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News for England South-West – 26 November 2017

| November 24, 2017

On Monday Bristol RSGB Group is having a talk on HF propagation by Professor Cathryn Mitchell. Details from Shaun O’Sullivan, G8VPG, on 01225 873 098. On Monday Weston-super-Mare Radio Society is having a construction, operating and natter night. More information from Martin Jones, G7UWI, on 01934 613 094. On Thursday South Bristol Amateur Radio Club […]

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News for Wales – 26 November 2017

| November 24, 2017

On Monday Marches Amateur Radio Society is running the North East Wales Net from 9pm on 145.425MHz. All are welcome to join in. For details, email On Tuesday Rhondda Amateur Radio Society is having a talk All Things Antenna-related by Andy, the proprietor of G-Whip. Details from Helene, MW6HLG, on 07900 252 524. On […]

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Spectrum Forum Meeting – 2017

| November 22, 2017
Spectrum Forum Meeting – 2017

RSGB Spectrum Forum meeting reports from the annual meeting held on 28-Oct-2017 are available below:- Spectrum Forum Oct-2017 Agenda Spectrum Forum Oct-2017 Minutes 5.1 – HF Managers Report-2017 5.2 – VHF Managers Report-2017 5.3 – Microwave Managers Report-2017 5.6 – Spectrum Consultants Report-2017 6.1 – EMCC-Report-2017 6.3 – ETCC-Report-2017 6.4 – RSGB-Contest Committees-Report-2017 6.5 – […]

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GB2RS News Script for 19 November 2017

| November 17, 2017

Please click the link below to download this week’s news script GB2RS News Script for 19 November 2017

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New videos from RSGB

| November 17, 2017

The RSGB has released three new videos of talks from the 2017 Convention. They all link with the RSGB Strategy and you can find them at In the first video, RSGB Director Steve Hartley, G0FUW explains about the Strategy itself. The second video features RSGB President Nick Henwood, G3RWF, giving a progress report on […]

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