Archive for 2017

Contest News – 29 January 2017

| January 27, 2017

The CQ World Wide 160m DX contest ends it 48 hour run at 2200UTC today, the 29th. It’s CW only and the exchange is signal report and CQ Zone, which for the UK is 14. W stations also send their State and VE stations their province. The BARTG RTTY Sprint ends its 24 hour run […]

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Propagation News – 29 January 2017

| January 27, 2017

Last week saw a flurry of sunspots appear that pushed the solar flux index to 87 on the 22nd. Geomagnetic conditions were unsettled last weekend, but this week has largely seen a respite, with the K-index often being one or even zero. This resulted in good conditions with the maximum useable frequency hitting at least […]

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News for England Midlands – 29 January 2017

| January 27, 2017

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Wythall Radio Club has its net on 145.225 or GB3WL from 8pm tonight and next Sunday. On Monday there’s a curry night and on Tuesday there’s an Ask the Panel session. Friday sees the regular nibbles night in the shack. Details from Chris, G0EYO, on […]

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News for England North – 29 January 2017

| January 27, 2017

Stockport Radio Society finishes its Foundation course today and commences its Intermediate course next Sunday. Details from Heather Stanley, M6HNS, on 07506 904 422. On Monday Angel of the North Amateur Radio Club is on the air, has its Foundation exam and continues its Advanced course. Contact Nancy Bone, G7UUR, on 01914 770 036. On […]

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News for Northern Ireland – 29 January 2017

| January 27, 2017

On Thursday Bangor and District Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on connecting equipment to your PC or laptop by Dr Harry Squance, GI4JTF. For more information contact Norman, GI3YMY, via email to

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News for Scotland – 29 January 2017

| January 27, 2017

On Tuesday Livingston and District Amateur Radio Society is having a training evening. Details from Cathie, 2M0DIB, on 01506 433 846. On Wednesday Glenrothes and DRC is having a club night. Contact Tam, MM0TGB, on 0775 3526 498. On Wednesday Perth and District Amateur Radio Group is holding a normal club night, to which all […]

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