Archive for 2017

Barrington (Barry) George Crosby Thompson, G4LKF / G8JJE, 5th March 2017

| March 21, 2017

It is with regret that I would inform you regarding the peaceful passing of Barrington (Barry) Thompson, G4LKF / G8JJE, on the 5th March 2017 following three months of illness. Barry served in the RAF from 1947 to 1957, seeing service in the UK and in Hong Kong and later as an NCO Instructor at […]

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Stan McQueen, GM8MRW

| March 21, 2017

West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society (Glasgow) is sad to report the passing of Stan McQueen, GM8MRW. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of his family. All members will greatly miss him and his weekly quiz. Tribute by James, 2M0UOS Secretary, West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society (Glasgow)

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High volume of calls to Ofcom

| March 17, 2017

Ofcom Spectrum Licensing is currently experiencing a high volume of calls about licensing issues. Email enquiries can take up to four weeks and telephone answering can also be delayed at peak times. Please use the online portal for licence activities and consult the Information for Radio Amateurs and Frequently Asked Questions before calling or emailing.

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90th RSGB AGM in Cardiff

| March 17, 2017

The 90th RSGB AGM will be held at the Angel Hotel, Castle St, Cardiff CF10 1SZ on Saturday, 22 April 2017, commencing at 12 noon. Details of those standing for elections, the accounts and the Minutes of the 2016 AGM appear in the April RadCom. Arrangements have been made for Members who are unable to […]

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Yasme Foundation supports YOTA 2017

| March 17, 2017

The RSGB is delighted to announce the Yasme Foundation have become a Super Supporter of the YOTA 2017 event at Gilwell Park in August. The Yasme Foundation makes supporting grants to individuals and organisations providing or creating useful services for the amateur radio community. Regardless of originality or novelty, Yasme supports these programmes in order […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| March 17, 2017

The DXpedition to Bangladesh will use two different callsigns during its 12 day operation. S21ZED will be used until the 22 March, with S21ZEE used for the last five days—the 23rd to the 27th. This is to comply with Bangladeshi regulations. The DXpedition team asks that stations not work the second call sign on the […]

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