Archive for 2017

UK YOTA 2017 team announced

| March 24, 2017

The RSGB is delighted to announce that the members of the UK YOTA 2017 team are Peter Barnes, 2E0UAR and Jonathan Sawyer, M0JSX. Peter is 19, and a member of Thornbury and South Gloucestershire ARC. Jonathan is 23, and belongs to the Reading and District ARC. You will be able to read more about them […]

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ISS contact deadline approaches

| March 24, 2017

The deadline for schools or informal educational institutions and organisations to submit proposals to host amateur radio contacts next year with International Space Station crew members is fast approaching. All applications must be in by 5 April. Organiser ARISS anticipates that contacts will take place between 1 January and the 30 June next year. Any […]

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| March 24, 2017

The 90th RSGB AGM will be held at the Angel Hotel, Castle St, Cardiff CF10 1SZ on Saturday, 22 April, commencing at 12 noon. Details of those standing for elections, the accounts and the Minutes of the 2016 AGM appear in the April RadCom. Votes must be received by the ERS before 12 noon on […]

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New Convention lecture video

| March 24, 2017

The 2016 RSGB Convention lecture The Rise and Rise of 5.7GHz EME by Peter Blair, G3LTF has been released for RSGB Members to view. To watch this video and others go to

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| March 24, 2017

The 90th RSGB AGM will be held at the Angel Hotel, Castle St, Cardiff CF10 1SZ on Saturday, 22 April, commencing at 12 noon. Details of those standing for elections, the accounts and the Minutes of the 2016 AGM appear in the April RadCom. Votes must be received by the ERS before 12 noon on […]

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Rallies and Events – 26 March 2017

| March 24, 2017

Today, the 26th of March, the Callington Radio Rally will take place at Callington Town Hall, Callington, Cornwall PL17 7BD. Doors open at 10am and admittance is £2. There will be a Bring & Buy and trade stands. Catering is available on site and there is ample free parking in the adjacent car park. The […]

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