Archive for 2017

DX News – 30 April 2017

| April 28, 2017

A team of UK operators will operate as A25UK from Botswana until 6 May. Activity will be on all bands 160m to 10m SSB, CW and RTTY. QSLs go via M0OXO. Peter, DF7DQ will be in Vietnam from 1 to 10 May. While there he will operate holiday style as 3W9DQ on 15 to 40m […]

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Special Event News – 30 April 2017

| April 28, 2017

A special event station GB0GLS has been licensed for operation from 5 to 11 May 2017. Antrim and District ARC are collaborating with Mid-Ulster ARC to hold a main activation day on Saturday, 6 May from the site of the original ‘Y’ station at Gilnahirk Listening Station. Following publication of George Busby’s book, Spies at […]

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Contest News – 30 April 2017

| April 28, 2017

On Monday the 80m Club Championship contest, SSB leg, takes place between 1900 and 2030UTC. The exchange is signal report and serial number. On Tuesday the 144MHz FM Activity Contest runs from 1800 to 1900UTC and it is followed by the 144MHz UK Activity Contest from 1900 to 2130UTC, this time using all modes. The […]

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Propagation News – 30 April 2017

| April 28, 2017

Last week saw some unsettled conditions due to the effects of a coronal hole. Its associated high speed solar wind stream actually hit the Earth a day earlier than predicted, resulting in poor HF conditions during the International Marconi Day event on Saturday, 21 April. The planetary K-index hit six the night before and we […]

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News for England Midlands – 30 April 2017

| April 28, 2017

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Burton Amateur Radio Club has a net from 10am today and next Sunday around 145.575MHz. On Wednesday there’s a club night and Thursday sees a club net from 8pm around 145.575MHz. Contact Mike Lewis, 2E0EZG, via email to Midland Amateur Radio Society is at […]

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News for England North – 30 April 2017

| April 28, 2017

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Angel of the North Amateur Radio Club is closed on Monday. Next Sunday there’s a special event from 10am to 3pm at Bowes Railway, NE9 7QJ, to remember the late Chris Herring, G7AQY. Contact Nancy Bone, G7UUR, on 01914 770 036. Wirral Amateur Radio Society […]

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