Archive for August, 2017

Meet Milo, the UK team leader at YOTA 2017

| August 1, 2017

Milo, 2E0ILO went to Friedrichshafen to be part of the YOTA handover ceremony, receiving the YOTA key and flag from last year’s host, Austria. He is excited about leading the UK team during the YOTA 2017 camp – you can hear more from him in our latest vlog.

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ISS contact confirmed for YOTA 2017

| August 1, 2017

We have confirmation from ARISS operations that a contact with astronaut Paulo Nespoli has been scheduled for the participants of YOTA 2017 on Tuesday, 8 August at 18:38UTC. This will be from the Columbus module of the ISS and include live video from HamTV.

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