Archive for June, 2017
Mick Moffat, M0MMI, 26th May 2017

All members of Verulam ARC were saddened to learn that one of its members, Mick Moffat, M0MMI, died on the 26th May at the age of 73 after a battle with cancer. Mick was one of the club’s most respected members, a lovely person always happy to help others. He contributed greatly to many of […]
vlog #11 introduces the second UK YOTA 2017 team member
The second UK team member for YOTA 2017 introduces himself in our latest vlog. Jonathan, M0JSX is 24 and a member of Reading and District Amateur Radio Club (RADARC). He has a wide range of interests within amateur radio – have a listen and find out more!
Additional YOTA 2017 places available
As two countries are no longer able to attend YOTA 2017, the other countries who are involved are being invited to nominate additional team members – there are six places to fill. This means that if you’re a young radio amateur in the UK aged 15-25 and are free from 5-12 August 2017 you should email […]
RadCom July 2017, Vol. 93, No. 7

THIS EDITION IS TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE ONLINE We apologise for any disappointment This edition is currently being converted to our HTML5 online viewer, which will bring enhanced readability, download speed and picture quality WSJT-X: Work the World—Joe, K1JT, Steve, K9AN and Bill, G4WJS explain News and Reports Around Your Region – Club events calendar 85 Around […]
Brian Joseph Poole, G3MRC, RNARS No 33, FOC No 1683, 2nd May 2017

There are not many radio amateurs of whom it can be said that they defined First Class when it comes to CW operating. ‘Joe’ Poole was certainly one of the few. I had the good fortune to contact him from a number of places, starting with my own home station and whilst visiting places such […]
Maintenance takes SAQ off the air
There will be no Alexanderson Day over-the-air VLF transmission on 2 July 2017 from SAQ, the Alexanderson alternator station in Sweden. SAQ periodically schedules transmissions with the nearly century-old behemoth that operates on 17.2kHz from the World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station. SAQ said the event was cancelled due to ongoing maintenance work at the site. […]