Archive for June, 2017

Propagation News – 11 June 2017

| June 9, 2017

Last weekend’s National Field Day saw only average HF propagation, with a geomagnetic disturbance on the Saturday evening sending the K-index to four. Nevertheless, there was DX to be had, even if most of it was on 20 metres. G4ARN/P in Norfolk reported working Brazil on 20m using five watts, but the majority of their […]

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News for England Midlands – 11 June 2017

| June 9, 2017

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Burton Amateur Radio Club has a net from 10am around 145.575MHz today and next Sunday. On Wednesday there’s a club night and Thursday sees a club net from 8pm around 145.575MHz. Contact Mike Lewis, 2E0EZG, via email to Cheltenham Amateur Radio Association has a […]

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News for England North – 11 June 2017

| June 9, 2017

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Denby Dale Radio Club has its net via GB3HD from 10.30am today and next Sunday. Wednesday sees a night on the air and next Sunday sees activities for the WAB 50MHz contest. Details from Darran, G0BWB, on 0797 442 3227. Isle of Man Amateur Radio […]

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News for Northern Ireland – 11 June 2017

| June 9, 2017

No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week.

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News for Scotland – 11 June 2017

| June 9, 2017

On Tuesday Dundee Amateur Radio Club is having a practical activity evening. Details from Martin, 2M0KAU, on 0776 370 8933. On Tuesday Livingston and District Amateur Radio Society is having a talk. Details from Cathie, 2M0DIB, on 01506 433 846. On Wednesday Glenrothes and DRC is making plans for field day and Museums on the […]

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News for England South-East – 11 June 2017

| June 9, 2017

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Coulsdon Amateur Transmitting Society has nets today and next Sunday at 11am on 145.4MHz ± QRM and 5pm on 3.7MHz ± QRM. Wednesday sees a net from 9pm on 70.425MHz. Details from Andy Briers, G0KZT, via email to Radio Society of Harrow has its […]

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