Archive for December, 2016

Rallies and Events News – 11 December 2016

| December 9, 2016

We know of no more rallies for 2016. If you have any rally or event information for 2017 that you’d like to appear in future editions of GB2RS News, in RadCom and on the RSGB website, please email full details to as early as possible.

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DX News – 11 December 2016

| December 9, 2016

Eric, KH6EB works on an uninhabited Hawaiian island, OC-019, for 10 days every month. He is located at the base camp that supports the state’s efforts to restore the island. He is there between 12 and 21 December. During his free time in the evenings and mornings, around 1600 to 1700UTC, 0300 to 0500UTC and […]

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Special Event News – 11 December 2016

| December 9, 2016

Dutch radio amateur Sascha, PD9Z will be operating PC16XMAS from 6 to 31 December. The station is intended to maintain the spirit of friendship between amateur radio operators in the Christmas period—and to provide a nice QSL card! Operation will be on 160 to 10m, SSB and CW. Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the independence […]

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Contest News – 11 December 2016

| December 9, 2016

On Tuesday the 432MHz UK Activity Contest runs from 2000 to 2230UTC. Using all modes on the band the exchange is signal reports, serial number and locator. Next Saturday and Sunday, the 17th and 18th, the Stew Perry Top Band Challenge runs from 1500UTC to 1500UTC. Using CW only on the 180m band the exchange […]

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Propagation News – 11 December 2016

| December 9, 2016

This past week had been reasonably settled, geomagnetically, with the K-index generally being between zero and three at the beginning of the week. The noon-time critical frequency as measured by the Chilton ionosonde near Harwell on Tuesday was just over 6MHz, which meant 40m often struggled for contacts close in around the UK, but 15 […]

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News for England Midlands – 11 December 2016

| December 9, 2016

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Worksop Amateur Radio Society continues its Intermediate course tonight, with the exam next Sunday. On Tuesday three’s a club night and the UKACs. On Thursday there’s a technical night with construction, Morse training, radio operation and data modes. Friday sees an evening celebrating 100 Years […]

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