Archive for December, 2016
GB16YOTA operating news
The special call sign GB16YOTA is on the air to introduce and promote amateur radio to young people. It will be operated from a variety of clubs and organisations throughout December. On Sunday the 10th, the CDXC will be putting the call sign on the air, on the 13th it’s with Otley ARS, from the […]
Historic transatlantic contact

On 11 December 2016 a special amateur radio event commemorated the 95th anniversary of the first transatlantic shortwave reception between Greenwich, Connecticut, and Ardrossan, Scotland. On that day in 1921, a radio signal transmitted from a Radio Club of America (RCA) test station—located in a small shack on the property of Minton Cronkhite, 1BCG in […]
Indonesian earthquake comms
The earthquake in Indonesia on Wednesday struck at 5am local time. It has been reported that it took two hours for the ham radio group to reach the earthquake damage zone with emergency communications. 7.110MHz is being used for emergency traffic, and amateurs are asked to avoid interference during this emergency.
Also in GB2RS this week…
Research from the University of Surrey and Augmented Optics Ltd, in collaboration with the University of Bristol, has developed technology that could revolutionise the capabilities of appliances that have previously relied on battery power to work. The research has discovered new supercapacitor electrolytes that exhibit capacitance values that are between one and ten thousand times […]
WRC-19 preparations update
The International Amateur Radio Union has issued an update on preparations for the World Radio Conference in 2019. The IARU’s prime roles are to work in the areas of spectrum privileges gaining or retaining spectrum for the amateur radio services and making sure that our spectrum remains available for use and free from serious human-made […]
On-air vintage radio weekend
Vintage radio enthusiasts are invited to participate in an on-air Vintage Radio Weekend on 17 and 18 December. This activity is open to every one who has a classic transmitter or receiver, or who is interested in owning one. Activities can be on any band and mode, and at any time. All participants may download […]