Archive for December, 2016
Our thanks to NRC volunteers
During the festive season Bletchley Park is open to visitors daily except 24, 25, 26 December and 1 January. The RSGB would like to extend its thanks to the amazing work by the volunteer team who keep the National Radio Centre open throughout the year. Meanwhile, GCHQ has generously donated £15,000 to the Bletchley Park […]
Rallies and Events – 18 December 2016
We know of no more rallies for 2016. If you have any rally or event information for 2017 that you’d like to appear in future editions of GB2RS News, in RadCom and on the RSGB website, please email full details to as soon as possible.
DX News – 18 December 2016
Matt, VK1MA will be active holiday style as VK9NM from Norfolk Island, IOTA reference OC-005, from 19 to 26 December. QSL via Logbook of The World and eQSL only. The Holy Land DX Group will be active as 4X07W from around 0700UTC on 23 December until noon on the 24th. They will operate SSB and […]
Special Event News – 18 December 2016
The Liechtenstein Radio Amateur Society, AFVL has been celebrating its 30th anniversary during 2016. The special event station HB0AFVL is available on the air until the end of December and contacts can be confirmed by a special QSL card.
Contest News -18 December 2016
The Stew Perry Top Band Challenge runs for 24 hours until 1500UTC today, the 18th. Using CW only on the 180m band the exchange is your four character locator. On Tuesday, the 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest runs from 2000 to 2230UTC. Using all modes the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. Finally, a […]
Propagation News – 18 December 2016
This week we have a slightly different approach to the HF propagation news. We want to help you and your family contact Santa’s elves in Lapland, Finland. The station OF9X is once again on the air this Christmas from Santa Claus Land in the Arctic Circle. Twelve elves are operating OF9X, which stands for ‘Old-Father-Nine-Christmas’, […]