Archive for December, 2016
Sandringham kicks off GB16YOTA

Sandringham School in St Albans activated the special callsign GB16YOTA for the first time on the first of December. Over 100 students visited the station and a number of young licensees operated during the event. Although conditions were poor and copy was difficult in many cases, they made 97 contacts in 24 countries across the […]
RAIBC seeks readers
RAIBC, the charity working for radio amateurs with disabilities, produces spoken word recordings of many publications. These include equipment manuals, radio magazines such as RadCom, licence documents, and much more. All recordings are made by volunteers. Only ordinary computer equipment is used, and all that is required is enthusiasm and a clear speaking voice. If […]
Shake-up for RSGB contests
Starting in the New Year, some significant changes are being made to RSGB contests. This is as a result of the Presidential Review of Contesting and detailed consultation with the contest community. A summary of the changes is in the January edition of RadCom, which should start arriving with RSGB Members from Wednesday onwards. The […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
In the December RadCom Club Calendar, some club calendar information had events for January accidentally mixed in. Unfortunately this was not noticed until after the magazine had been printed, and we apologise for the error. The GB2RS local news in December should not be affected, as it is extracted from our database in a different […]
Join the Innovations Working Group
The RSGB is looking for people interested in joining the Society’s new Innovation Working Group. The required qualifications are simply an open and inquiring mind together with an enthusiasm to look for the new and the different within amateur radio.
Rallies and Events News – 4 December 2016
The Bishop Auckland RAC Rally is on Sunday, the 4th, at Spennymoor Leisure Centre, 32 High Street, Spennymoor, Durham DL16 6DB. The venue has good car parking and disabled facilities. There will be the usual radio, computer and electronics as well as a bring-and-buy. Catering and bar facilities will be available on-site. Doors open at […]