Archive for July, 2016

News for England South-East – 24 July 2016

| July 22, 2016

We start with news from clubs that have several events this week. Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club has nets today and next Sunday from 8.30am on 144.180MHz USB, from 10.30am on 7.0875MHz or 3.620MHz LSB, and from 11.30am on 145.550MHz FM. Wednesday sees a club net on 145.550MHz from 8pm. Contact Ian, M0HTA, via […]

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News for England South-West – 24 July 2016

| July 22, 2016

Torbay Amateur Radio Society is having a talk Phase 1 of Stover Canal on Sunday, by Roger Harding. For more information contact Dave, G6FSP, by email to North Bristol Amateur Radio Club is operating a Field Day station for Filton Festival today, plus has its open net on GB3BS from 7pm. On Friday there’s […]

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News for Wales – 24 July 2016

| July 22, 2016

Newport Amateur Radio Society has its club net on 3.705MHz from 10am today and next Sunday. Tuesday sees a club net on 145.425MHz from 8pm. On Friday there’s a table top sale. Details from Margaret, GW4SUE, on 01633 665 289. On Monday Llanelli Amateur Radio Society is holding a junk sale. Contact Craig, MW0MXT, on […]

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Norman Millar, G0GBZ, 14th July 2016

| July 19, 2016

We are sad to note the passing of Mr Norman Millar, G0GBZ, on the 14th of July 2016.

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Convention Meteor Scatter video

| July 15, 2016

The RSGB 2016 Convention takes place 7 to 9 October 2016 at Kents Hill Conference Centre, Milton Keynes. One of the talks from last year—What Makes the Pings Go Ping?—is now available to Members online. In What Makes the Pings Go Ping? John Worsnop, G4BAO, looks at the principles behind meteor scatter. He covers everything […]

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National Hamfest attractions

| July 15, 2016

The National Hamfest takes place at the Newark Showground in Nottinghamshire on 30 September and 1 October 2016. This year the flea market has been redesigned providing low cost table space for selling your personal excess equipment and junk. If you do not wish to sell items yourself then the large bring-and-buy stand will look […]

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