Archive for July, 2016
New 47GHz record set
A new distance record was set on 47GHz between Whiteface Mountain in New York at FN34bi and on Mont Tremblant in Quebec at FN26rf. The distance was calculated at 215km, that’s 133.3 miles, a new US-Canada record on the band. Congratulations to N1JEZ, KT1J, VE2UG and VE3FN.
Also in GB2RS this week…
The number of instances of interference from VDSL has increased over the last couple of years in the UK. To help amateurs to detect interference from VDSL the RSGB has drawn up a leaflet, the 15th in a series of EMC leaflets that the RSGB EMC Committee has produced. The leaflet has been uploaded to […]
Talks at RSGB 2016 Convention
The RSGB 2016 Convention takes place on 7-9 October 2016 at Kents Hill Conference Centre, Milton Keynes. Two of the very different talks you can expect are Restoring Old Radio Sets by Philip Lawson, G4FCL and Making the Tim Peake Contacts A Reality with Graham Shirville and Noel Matthews. Philip will give a taster as […]
National Hamfest 2016
The National Hamfest takes place at the Newark Showground in Nottinghamshire on 30 September and 1 October 2016. This year there will be several international attendees including LUSO Towers, Mastrant guying ropes, Powertech Computers and Tecadi with his pole and rope solutions. Several of the UK exhibitors have even increased their stand sizes to accommodate […]
Rallies and Events – 10 July 2016
On Sunday, 10 July, the Cornish Radio Amateur Club Rally takes place from 10.30am to 5pm, with admittance costing £2. The venue is Penair School, Truro, Cornwall TR1 1TN. There is plenty of car parking and the venue also has disabled facilities. There will be a bring-and-buy sale, an RSGB book stall, special interest groups […]
DX News – 10 July 2016
Antonio, EA5RM will be active as CP1XRM from Bolivia until early August. He will be on the HF bands running 100W to a vertical and using solar power. QSL to his home call. Anna, W6NN and Rich, KE1B will be on the air as 8P6NN and 8P6MM from Barbados, respectively, until 21 July. Barbados is […]