Archive for June, 2016
New RSGB Microwave Manager
The RSGB’s Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Barry Lewis G4SJH to the position of Microwave Manager. Barry brings considerable experience to the role from homebrew and contesting, to regulatory affairs. He succeeds the former Microwave Manager Murray Niman G6JYB, who had been covering the role since his appointment as Chair of the […]
Joyce Bannister, SWL, 25 June 2016
I am sorry to report that Joyce Bannister passed away on the afternoon of 25th June 2016. She was in bed and was very calm. A good neighbour and a friend were with her at the time. She was 91 and had lung cancer. Joyce was the XYL of Roy Bannister, G4GPX (SK) and both […]
Bill Newman, M0BNN, 31st May 2016
On the morning of Tuesday 31 May 2016 we lost a great friend and beautiful QSL card maker Bill Newman, M0BNN. Bill passed away peacefully in his sleep. Bill was renowned all over the world for the many distinctive QSL cards that he produced to commemorate contacts to amateur radio enthusiasts who called him at […]
New Regional Manager
The RSGB Board have agreed to co-opt a new Regional Manager for South Wales. The post will become due for election at the next AGM. Glyn Jones, GW0ANA has been appointed as Regional Manager for Region 7.
Harry Kingsland, ex ZD6GHK and 7Q7HK, 2 June 2016
Harry C Kingsland passed away on the 2nd of June 2016. He had been a proud Member of the RSGB for 55 years. Mrs Pat Kingsland
Rupert R Thorogood, G3KKT, 25th June 2016

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Rupert Thorogood, G3KKT, who was the RSGB Company Secretary from 2006 until he passed away on Saturday 25 June 2016. RIP Rupert. Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time. If you have any recollections of Rupert that you would like to […]