Archive for May, 2016

Final Principia ARISS contact announced

| May 4, 2016

It has been confirmed that the final amateur radio school contact will be next Monday, 9 May 2016 at 0926UTC—that’s 1026 BST. Tim Peake will speak to pupils at the King’s School, Ottery St Mary in Devon. Not only will this be the final ARISS Principia contact with Tim Peake, but it will also be […]

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Ashfield Primary School, Otley

| May 4, 2016

The next amateur radio contact with Tim Peake is on Thursday, 5 May 2016 at 0808 UTC/0908 BST at Ashfield Primary School, Otley. This is the only primary school to host a contact. The pupils will ask as many of the following questions as time allows: 1. Esme (Reception): How can I come and see […]

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Derby High School, Bury

| May 4, 2016
Derby High School, Bury

Youth Committee Deputy Chair Milo Noblet, 2E0ILO was on the panel of experts talking to pupils at the Derby High School in Bury after their contact with Tim Peake on 25 April 2016. The school also had a ‘visit’ from Isaac Newton! The contact was very successful with time for all 20 questions to be […]

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Wellesley House School

| May 4, 2016
Wellesley House School

Wellesley House School, Broadstairs had a very successful buildathon which drew in nine other local schools on 22 April 2016. The pupils were helped to build their radio receivers by members of Hilderstone Amateur Radio Club. Their amateur radio contact with Tim Peake was the next day—International Marconi Day—and newly-licensed Ethan, M6GQK and Benny, M6YZH […]

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