Archive for May, 2016

Contest News – 8 May 2016

| May 6, 2016

The 432MHz-248GHz Trophy ends its 24 hour run at 1400 today, the 8th. Using the 432MHz to 248GHz bands the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. The Italian National Society ARI International DX Contest ends its 24 hours at midday today, the 8th. There are sections for single-op CW, SSB, RTTY, mixed, and […]

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Propagation News – 8 May 2016

| May 6, 2016

The solar flux index held steadfast at 90 for most of the week, but geomagnetic conditions remained unsettled with the K-index hitting five on Bank Holiday Monday. The latter half of the week was a little more settled, bringing better HF conditions with only a few minor C-class solar flares. At the time of writing, […]

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News for England Midlands – 8 May 2016

| May 6, 2016

We start with news from clubs that have several events this week. Wythall Radio Club has its club net from 8pm on 145.225MHz or GB3WL tonight and next Sunday. On Tuesday there’s a Morse class plus a club night and committee meeting. Wednesday sees the 80m Club Championships data leg from 8pm, and the regular […]

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News for England North – 8 May 2016

| May 6, 2016

We start with news from clubs that have several events this week. Halifax and District Amateur Radio Society is holding a Foundation mock exam, plus discussing a project to build a HF filter set and continuing Intermediate training. On Wednesday sees a club net on ±145.400MHz, starting at the new time of 7pm. Thursday brings […]

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News for Northern Ireland – 8 May 2016

| May 6, 2016

No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week.

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News for Scotland – 8 May 2016

| May 6, 2016

Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is having an on-air activity day on Sunday. Friday sees the first 144MHz DF Hunt, meeting in the Co-Op car park East, 6.30pm for 7. More information from Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723. Stirling and District Amateur Radio Society is open from 10.30am to 2pm today and […]

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