Archive for April, 2016

Amateur Radio: A World of Possibilities

| April 15, 2016
Amateur Radio: A World of Possibilities

Amateur radio is a hobby with so many aspects it can be hard to describe—and difficult to know what to try first! Our new video Amateur Radio: A World of Possibilities gives you a taster of just some of the many exciting, challenging and fun things you can with amateur radio. We’re planning to take […]

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International Marconi Day activities

| April 15, 2016

Marconi was born on 25 April 1874 and amateur radio operators around the world are again taking part in International Marconi Day on Saturday,  23 April. The 24-hour-long event has drawn participation by as many as 60 stations from around the world. GB4IMD will be operating from the Stithians Showground in Cornwall. For a list […]

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Next two school contacts announced

| April 15, 2016

It has been confirmed that Tim Peake will speak via amateur radio to two schools next week. St Richard’s Catholic College, Bexhill-on-Sea Monday, 18 April 2016 at 14:56:06 UTC (15:56:06 BST) Wellesley House School, Broadstairs Saturday, 23 April 2016 at 12:10 UTC (13:10 BST) We’re looking forward to being at the contacts and sending reports […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| April 15, 2016

ANZAC Day on 25 April remembers those who died in 1915 in the fighting at Gallipoli. To commemorate, amateurs in New Zealand and Australia will be on the bands using the same older modes once employed by radio operators in the military. The AM and CW event has become a popular annual ANZAC Day activity […]

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World Amateur Radio Day

| April 15, 2016

World Amateur Radio Day takes place on 18 April 2016. It marks the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union in 1925. Radio amateurs worldwide will take to the airwaves to celebrate amateur radio’s contribution to society.

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AGM voting to close soon

| April 15, 2016

Voting closes this week, on 21 April, for the 89th RSGB AGM to be held in Glasgow on Saturday, 23 April, commencing at 12 noon. For details, go to

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