Archive for April, 2016
May RadCom Club Calendar error
We’d like to make you aware that the Club Events Calendar printed in the May RadCom is incorrect due to a clerical error. The February information was repeated. A revised version of the Affiliated Clubs Newsletter for May 2016 has been sent out to clubs, and the electronic versions of RadCom to be published on […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
Following agreement with the RSGB Board, management of the Islands on the Air program has transitioned to Islands Radio Awards Ltd, a new, not-for-profit company. This entity will assume full responsibility for all aspects of the program, which it will run in partnership with the Society. The company has been registered in the names of […]
IOTA management change
Following agreement with the RSGB Board, management of the Islands on the Air program has transitioned to Islands Radio Awards Ltd, a new, not-for-profit company. This entity will assume full responsibility for all aspects of the program, which it will run in partnership with the Society. The company has been registered in the names of […]
ANZAC Day AM and CW event
On Monday, 25 April, ANZAC Day remembers those who died in 1915 in the fighting at Gallipoli. To commemorate this, amateurs in New Zealand and Australia will be on the bands using the same older modes once employed by radio operators in the military. This AM and CW event has become a popular annual ANZAC […]
Rallies and Events News – 24 April 2016
The Ripon and District ARS Rally takes place Sunday, the 24th, in the Hugh Ripley Hall, Ripon, North Yorkshire HG4 2PT. Doors open at 10am, with entry costing £2—details online. Sunday, the 24th, the Cambridge Repeater Group Rally will be held at Foxton Village Hall, Hardman Road, Foxton, Cambridge CB22 6RN. Car parking is free […]
DX News – 24 April 2016
Doug, VK4ADX will operate holiday style from Norfolk Island from 23 April to 2 May. While there he will use the call sign VK9NU and be on SSB only. Logs will be uploaded to Logbook of The World. Elvira, IV3FSG will be active from the Democratic Republic of Congo for one month. She will operate […]