Archive for April, 2016
RSGB Examination Standards Manager
The RSGB Examination Standards Committee (ESC) wishes to appoint an Examination Standards Manager (ESM) for the Radio Communications Examinations (RCE). This volunteer role is currently held by Ian Shepherd, G4EVK, who has been appointed to the RSGB Board. Reporting to the Examinations Standards Committee, the ESM is responsible for developing and documenting the internal and […]
RadCom May 2016, Vol. 92, No. 5

THIS EDITION IS TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE ONLINE We apologise for any disappointment This edition is currently being converted to our HTML5 online viewer, which will bring enhanced readability, download speed and picture quality When this reaches you, the transition between Presidents will be just a few days away and the process of handing over from the […]
Club of the Year – Regional Winners

At the AGM held this afternoon in Glasgow, the regional winners of the Club of the Year 2015 competition were announced. Congratulations to all. The Club of the Year 2015 is proudly sponsored by Waters & Stanton. Small Clubs Region 1 Cockenzie and Port Seton ARC Region 2 Caithness ARS Region […]
RSGB Election results
At the Society’s AGM held in Glasgow this afternoon, elections were held for two directors and the regional manager for Region 4 (North East of England. The following were duly elected Board Director: Graham Murchie, G4FSG Board Director: Ian Shepherd, G4EVK Regional Manager, Region 4: Ian Douglas, G7MFN
Next Tim Peake contact 25 April
The next planned school contact with Tim Peake on the ISS is Monday, 25 April from The Derby High School in Bury at 1202UTC. This contact will be webcast on the ARISS Principia website and Tim’s transmissions will be audible over most of western Europe on the usual downlink frequency, 145.800MHz.
Operating at the Olympics
Thanks to the Brazilian Amateur Radio League (LABRE) radio amateurs who will visit Brazil for the 2016 Rio Olympic Games will be able to get on the air easily. During August and September any foreign amateur will be able to operate in Brazil, regardless of whether there is a reciprocal agreement. No IARP or CEPT licence is […]