Archive for April, 2016

GB2RS News Script for 3 April 2016

| April 1, 2016

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Rallies and Events News – 3 April 2016

| April 1, 2016

Hack Green Bunker Rally takes place today, the 3rd of April, at the Hack Green Nuclear Bunker, Nantwich in Cheshire CW5 8AL. On sale will be electronic equipment, amateur gear, components, military radio sets and vehicle spares. Doors open at 10am and catering is available on site. Further details from Lucy on 01270 623 353. […]

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DX News – 3 April 2016

| April 1, 2016

Four German operators are active as 5V7D from Kpeme in Togo until the 11th of April. They are working all bands 10m to 80m using SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL manager is DL9MBI. Dick, G3RWL returns to Barbados, NA-021, until the 22nd of April where he will reactivate his 8P9DR callsign. He will operate on […]

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Special Event News – 3 April 2016

| April 1, 2016

Today, the 3rd, GB1HPT will be on the air celebrating RAF Hooton Park, Cheshire. See the entry on for more information.

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Contest News – 3 April 2016

| April 1, 2016

The CW/SSB leg of the SPDX Contest ends its 24 hour run at 1500UTC today, the 3rd. Work Polish stations only, giving them a signal report and serial number. Expect a signal report and one of sixteen single-letter Province codes in return. There are a large number of categories, and certificates are on offer for […]

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Propagation News – 3 April 2016

| April 1, 2016

This past week saw continued low to medium geomagnetic disturbances thanks to ongoing solar coronal holes. A geomagnetic storm watch has been issued for the 2nd of April due to a disturbed interplanetary magnetic field, coupled with elevated solar wind speeds from a coronal hole high speed stream. This could see the K index climb […]

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