Archive for March, 2016
News for England South-West
On Sunday Callington Amateur Radio Society is at the Callington Rally. Details from John, G4PBN on 01822 835 834. On Sunday North Bristol Amateur Radio Club is having an open net on GB3BS from 7 to 8pm. Members and non members are most welcome, as are newly licensed operators. There is no club meeting on […]
News for Wales – 20 March 2016
On Monday Dragon Amateur Radio Club is having a discussion night. Details from Stewart Rolfe, GW0ETF on 07833 620 733. On Monday Llanelli Amateur Radio Society is having an on the air night using GB4SDD as well as a junk sale. Contact Craig, MW0MXT on 01269 845 773. On Thursday North Wales Radio Society is […]
RESOLVED. RSGB email issue
The earlier email issue has been resolved, we apologize for any inconvenience. You will now be able to send and receive mail, and access the Outlook Web App, as normal. If you have any further questions about this issue, please contact the Web & IT Helpdesk.
5MHz allocation for Belgian amateurs
The Belgian telecoms regulator, IBPT, has issued a decision permitting access to the new WRC15 60m allocation for all Belgian Class A amateur licensees. The allocation is from 5351.5 to 5366.5kHz on a Secondary basis with a maximum power of 15W EIRP. All modes are permitted. Belgian amateurs also now have wider access to 4m. […]
Convention video available
Several of the presentations at the RSGB Convention in 2015 were videoed and they are being made available on the RSGB website. The first talk is on Engineering the Gemini Range of VHF UHF Power Amplifiers by Chris Bartam, GW4DGU. Go to the Video Archives on the RSGB website. You need your RSGB Membership login […]
Kenwood award for 2 and 6m
Kenwood UK has launched a VHF challenge. The aim is to work as many large locator squares during 2016 on 2m and 6m as possible. For example, one point for a QSO with JO01 and one point for IO91 and so on. All modes are allowed but not the use of repeaters, satellites or other […]