Archive for March, 2016

News for Scotland – 6 March 2016

| March 4, 2016

We start with an announcement that the D-Star repeater GB7DA is now operational, covering the west of Scotland. Its output frequency is 145.775MHz, with the usual 600kHz input shift. Stirling and District Amateur Radio Society has training, construction and projects from 10.30am till 2pm today and next Sunday. Thursday sees operating, training and presentations from […]

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News for England South-East – 6 March 2016

| March 4, 2016

We start with news from clubs that have several events this week. Surrey Radio Contact Club has a club net on 1905kHz from 9.30am today and next Sunday. On Monday there’s a surplus equipment sale and Thursday sees the club net on 70.300MHz from 8pm. On Friday there’s a net from 8pm on 145.350MHz. Details […]

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News for England South-West – 6 March 2016

| March 4, 2016

Today and next Sunday North Bristol Amateur Radio Club is holding an open net on GB3BS from 7pm. On Friday there’s a relax and chat plus operating and training evening. Details from Mat, G7FBD, via email to The SouthWest Cluster is holding further experimental nets on the DMR Network, Slot 2, Talk Group 950, […]

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News for Wales – 6 March 2016

| March 4, 2016

On Monday Dragon Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on refurbishing an Atlanta receiver by John Parry, GW3VVC. Contact Stewart Rolfe, GW0ETF, on 07833 620 733. On Monday Llanelli Amateur Radio Society is putting GB4SDD on the air. Details from Craig, MW0MXT, on 01269 845 773. On Thursday Aberystwyth and District Amateur Radio Society […]

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John Broomhead, G3NCX, 2nd January 2016

| March 3, 2016

John Broomhead, G3NCX passed away on the 2nd of January 2016. He was an active radio amateur for many, many years. He was always enthusiastic about his radio equipment and being a Member of the Society. He taught amateur radio at City and Guilds level and was a member of RAYNET.

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