Archive for March, 2016

News for England South-East – 13 March 2016

| March 11, 2016

We start with news from clubs that have several events this week. Bromley and District Amateur Radio Society continues its Intermediate course today. On Tuesday there’s a fix-it evening. The club net is on Wednesday, commencing at 9pm on 145.500MHz. Contact Andy, G4WGZ, on 01689 878 089. Surrey Radio Contact Club has a club net […]

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News for England South-West – 13 March 2016

| March 11, 2016

Today and next Sunday North Bristol Amateur Radio Club is holding an open net on GB3BS from 7pm. On Friday there’s a relax and chat evening alongside operating and training. Details from Mat, G7FBD, via email to The SouthWest Cluster is holding further experimental nets on the DMR Network, Slot 2, Talk Group 950, […]

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News for Wales – 13 March 2016

| March 11, 2016

On Monday Llanelli Amateur Radio Society is watching a DVD and putting GB4SDD on the air. Contact Craig, MW0MXT, on 01269 845 773. On Thursday North Wales Radio Society is having an evening with Les, G0NMD. Details form Ceri Jones, 2W0LJC, via email to On Friday Blackwood and District Amateur Radio Society is having […]

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Keith Cass, G3WVO, 2 March 2016

| March 8, 2016
Keith Cass, G3WVO, 2 March 2016

Keith Cass, G3WVO, passed away on 2 March 2016, aged 84. Keith was a long time member of York Amateur Radio Society, G3HWW. We are not sure when he joined, but it was probably in the 1950s. He became Club Secretary in the early 1970s and was its life and soul, helping many people pass […]

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Learn to write exam questions

| March 4, 2016

Would you like to learn how the Examiners set questions and be able to take these skills back to your club? Club trainers are constantly challenged with the task of preparing practice questions which meet the needs of the syllabus and their students. Members of the Exam Group, led by the Chief Examiner, Alan Betts, […]

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Longstanding newsreader retires

| March 4, 2016

Trevor Harris, G2KF has decided to retire from reading GB2RS news due to ill health. The RSGB would like to thank Trevor for his service to GB2RS and the amateur community. If any one would like to be a news reader in the south-west please contact Ken, G3VBA by email to Readers for other […]

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