Archive for January, 2016

News for England South-West

| January 8, 2016

Exeter Amateur Radio Society is having a planning meeting for the new QTH on Monday. The monthly VHF repeater net is on GB3EW from 7.45pm on Tuesday. More information from Nick, M0NRJ, on 01363 775 756. On Monday Weston-super-Mare Radio Society is having a natter night. Contact Paul, G3SDH, via email to On Tuesday […]

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News for Wales – 10 January 2016

| January 8, 2016

On Tuesday Llanelli Amateur Radio Society is on the air. Contact Craig, MW0MXT, on 01269 845 773. On Thursday Aberystwyth and District Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on the RAF radio type TR1986 and its repair by John Davies. More information from Ray, GW7AGG, on 01970 611 853.

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BBC Report on historic ISS contact

| January 8, 2016

A full report on the day’s events at Sandringham School in St Albans, including video footage, is now available on the BBC website. Pupils make radio call to Tim Peake

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School Buildathon before ISS contact

| January 8, 2016
School Buildathon before ISS contact

On Tuesday, 5 January, RSGB Board Director Steve Hartley, G0FUW organised a buildathon at Sandringham School in conjunction with Verulam Amateur Radio Club (VARC) It was part of the space festival #SANDspace build-up to the amateur radio contact at the school with Tim Peake on Friday morning. Twenty-four pupils worked in pairs to build 12 […]

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Tim Peake School Contact

| January 8, 2016

A live web stream from Sandringham School, St Albans starts at 0800 GMT today (Friday) morning on the ARISS website.    

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RSGB Board seeks new General Manager

| January 4, 2016

Graham Coomber, G0NBI, announced his retirement as General Manager of the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) on 4 January 2016. Graham took on the role in 2012 at a time when the RSGB was emerging from a difficult period in its history and he has helped to steer the Society into a strong position. […]

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