Archive for 2015

Special Events News – 15 March 2015

| March 13, 2015

Farnborough and District Radio Society is celebrating half a century of support and promotion of amateur radio. G50FRS will be operating until 30 November this year. They run club nets every Monday on 1995kHz and Friday on 144.675MHz both at 8pm and welcome anyone to join in. GB0SGS will be on air on 16 and […]

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DX News – 15 March 2015

| March 13, 2015

Lukas, HB9EBT will be active as D44TEG from Sao Tiago, IOTA reference AF-005, from 15 to 27 March. He will operate CW on the 10 to 40m bands. QSL via his home callsign, either direct or via the bureau. Marc, ON5SM will be active as DU9/ON5SM from Mindanao in the Philippines, OC-130, from 16 March […]

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Contest News – 15 March 2015

| March 13, 2015

The Commonwealth Contest ends its 24 hours run at 10am today, the 15th. As ever there are DXpeditions to some countries that you don’t hear on the bands every day, so for most of us—even if we are not making a serious entry—there are some new or rare ones to work. Using the 3.5 to […]

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Propagation News – 15 March 2015

| March 13, 2015

Last week we said that the sun’s surface was looking a little bare, but that was before sunspot region 2297 erupted. This new area has helped keep the solar flux index around 120-130, but has spawned a number of solar flares. This region has so far produced an X2.2 flare, along with four moderate M-class […]

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News for England Midlands – 15 March 2015

| March 13, 2015

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Lincoln Short Wave Club is taking part in the UKCC on Tuesday. Today and next Sunday there are shack activities with G5FZ on the air. Monday sees a committee meeting and Tuesday is the UK Club Contest. A formal meeting takes place on Wednesday, and […]

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News for England North – 15 March 2015

| March 13, 2015

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Denby Dale Radio Club is taking part in the WAB 80m contest today from 1800GMT. Monday sees the start of British Science Week activities at Huddersfield Library. On Wednesday there’s a construction competition, and on Thursday it’s the 80m CC SSB. Contact Darran, G0BWB, on […]

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