Archive for 2015

RSGB AGM prize photos now available

| May 15, 2015

Photographs from the RSGB AGM are now available for Members to view in the new Photo Archive section of the RSGB website. Members and clubs receiving prizes can download the relevant images for their club newsletters or other local publicity. Usage permission details can be found here. The RSGB Photo Archive at contains images […]

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Brits inducted to CQ Hall of Fame

| May 15, 2015

The CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame honours those individuals who have made significant contributions to amateur radio, to their professional careers or to some other aspect of life on our planet. UK interest in the 2015 inductees include Olof Lundberg, G0CKV, a leader of the communications satellite industry for a quarter of a century, […]

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Business Radio Interest Group meeting

| May 15, 2015

Ofcom has now posted the files from the Business Radio Interest Group meeting on 30 April at which John Regnault, G4SWX gave a short presentation on the first six months of progress with the 146MHz experimental amateur allocation. Reduced Bandwidth Digital Amateur Television was a topic that interested many of the attendees and John played […]

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Distance-learning course a great success

| May 15, 2015

The Bath-based radio training team have been running classroom courses for over 15 years but in 2011 they started running distance learning courses for the Advanced exam. The courses have since proved to be far more popular than the team ever envisaged, with hundreds signing up to join. Not all of those who start complete […]

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Sarah Brightman postpones ISS visit

| May 15, 2015

Last week Sarah Brightman announced that she is postponing her trip to the International Space Station. However, planning for Major Tim Peake’s forthcoming mission is progressing well. He is planning to contact selected schools via amateur radio during his stay on the ISS. The first stage of the selection process ended recently and an announcement […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| May 15, 2015

Amateur radio relief activity in Nepal had begun to wind down before a magnitude 7.3 earthquake again shook parts of the Himalayan nation on 12 May, collapsing buildings and killing dozens in a region that’s still trying to recover from the much stronger earthquake on 25 April. The latest quake revived the ham radio effort. […]

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