Archive for November, 2015
Amateur Radio Skills Nights
Following the work of Essex Ham and Chelmsford ARS, interest in the highly successful Amateur Radio Skills Nights is spreading. These events are themed evenings aimed at helping attendees to gain confidence, develop skills, and progress in the hobby. For more information to enable your club to stage a similar event, go to A […]
Rallies and Events News – 22 January 2015
There are no rallies taking place on either this Sunday, the 22nd, or next weekend the 28th or 29th. The final rallies of the year are due to take place on 5 December. The South Lands Winter Rally will be held in Wigan at the Bickershaw Labour Club and the Bishop Auckland Rally will be […]
Special Event News – 22 November 2015
Sunday, the 22nd, could be when VI0ANZAC gets on the air from Casey Base in the Antarctic. The station’s plan to get on the air has been, like the weather itself in that part of the world, highly changeable. Starting at 0200UTC, the station will try again, beginning on 14.250MHz, and hopefully both the weather […]
DX News – 22 November 2015
Yuriy, N2TTA, will once again be active as NP2P from the US Virgin Islands during the CQWW DX CW Contest on 28 and 29 November as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via Logbook of the World. During the same contest, Al, WP3C, will be active as NP4A from Puerto Rico as a Single-Op/Single-Band (40m)/ High-Power entry. […]
Contest News – 22 November 2015
The final session of this year’s UK Microwave Group Low Band Contest using the 1.3, 2.3 and 3.4GHz bands is on Sunday, the 22nd. It’s shorter in duration than the others in the series, because the organisers want portables to be able to pack up and vacate remote hilltop sites before it gets dark. Running […]
Propagation News – 22 November 2015
This week has been a bit of a mixed bag in terms of HF propagation. The early part of the week saw reasonable openings on 18 and 21MHz, although a continuous K-index of around three due to the high speed solar wind stream, took its toll. The VK9WA Willis Island DXpedition was even audible on […]