Archive for November, 2015
WRC-15 – Day-15, end of Week-3

Future Items: With a lot at stake, the conference is being bogged down. Working Group 6B, which is dealing with possible new agenda items is getting a little fractious, with in-fighting between the proponents of the various satellite services, either claiming new spectrum, or defending their existing spectrum. This is occurring even before items have […]
WRC-15 News
This week, the World Radio Conference in Geneva finally approved a new amateur service allocation at 5MHz. Although only a small allocation of 15kHz between 5351.5 – 5366.5kHz was agreed, it is the first new allocation at HF since the WARC of 1979. After intense pressure from the fixed service primary user, power limits have […]
Youngsters on the Air
This December, 14 groups will activate G15YOTA and its regional variations taking part in Youngsters on the Air month. The mix of participants is diverse; from schools to universities and local clubs. Many of the operators will be experiencing amateur radio for the first time and it also presents a fantastic opportunity for youngsters already […]
Listen to Marconi’s voice
The Essex Record Office has released a sound recording that includes the second part of a speech by Marconi, delivered at the unveiling of the Fisk Memorial in Australia. In the speech, Marconi forecast the impact that wireless communication will have on ship navigation and on the world economy in general. The Fisk Memorial commemorated […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
Do you think the VHF bands are quiet, well think again. Earlier this year Thurrock Acorns ARC arranged a 2m activity afternoon that proved successful. The next activity afternoon is planned for 28 November between 1pm and 5pm. The club’s own callsign GX4HKO will start calling at 1pm. Over in Northern Ireland, Bushvalley ARC chairman […]
Peter Dodd, G3LDO, SK
Sadly, the RSGB has to announce that Peter Dodd, G3LDO became a Silent Key. For many years Peter shared his vast knowledge of antennas through the medium of RadCom and his many RSGB books. His writing will be sadly missed by the amateur community and our thoughts go to his family and friends at this […]