Archive for October, 2015
Licences to be revoked
Ofcom have published a notice advising that steps are now being taken to revoke all amateur radio licences that have not been revalidated as required by the terms of the licence. The first tranche of revocations will affect those licences due for revalidation between September 2012 and January 2013. If you have not revalidated your […]
RSGB youth video now online

The RSGB are working with two film companies to make a series of promotional videos. The first of these, promoting amateur radio to young people, has been produced by the TX factor for the RSGB and is now on general release on the RSGB’s YouTube channel.
Temporary RSL for Cornwall
Earlier in the year, representatives of some radio amateurs in Cornwall approached Ofcom to request temporary use of the Regional Secondary Locator K for Kernow, the Cornish word for Cornwall, following the recognition of the Cornish People under the Framework Convention on National Minorities. Ofcom has agreed to this request and will permit amateurs with […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
Next year, a new organisation, the IOTA Foundation, will manage the RSGB Islands on the Air program in partnership with the Society. Last year the RSGB Board identified a number of challenges facing the program, including the need to provide an online system to track and manage the submission of island credits similar to the […]
GB2RS News Script for 18 October 2015
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Rallies and Events News – 18 October 2015
Today, the 18th, the Galashiels & District ARS radio and computer rally takes place in the Volunteer Hall, St Johns Street, Galashiels TD1 3JX. Doors open at 11.30am, with disabled visitors gaining access 15 minutes earlier. There will be trade stands, a Bring & Buy and refreshments. Holsworthy Amateur Radio Rally takes place today in […]