Archive for September, 2015

RF engineer to get Whittle medal

| September 4, 2015

British microwave engineer Professor Peter Clarricoats worked at the Queen Mary University of London for nearly 50 years. He is to receive one of the Royal Academy of Engineering’s highest accolades, the Sir Frank Whittle Medal, for his influential achievements. The Emeritus Research Professor will receive the honour at the Academy’s AGM in London on […]

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Centenarian amateurs honoured

| September 4, 2015

Two long-time radio amateurs have been in the news this week. The Quarter Century Wireless Association has honoured 105-year-old Charlie Hellman, W2RP for his 90 years in amateur radio. Charlie got his licence in 1925 when he was just 15. Two of his siblings also held amateur licences. Robert, now a Silent Key, was W2JAN […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| September 4, 2015

The RSGB Convention takes place over 9 to 11 October at Kent’s Hill Conference Centre in Milton Keynes. The provisional programme for Saturday and Sunday is now on the RSGB website. There will be a wealth of lectures on a very wide range of subjects. We are looking forward to welcoming some favourite lecturers back […]

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Contest rules White Paper now out

| September 4, 2015

The supplemental 2015 White Paper on proposed contest rules changes is now available from the RSGB Contest Committee website at (12-page/261.5KB PDF). This document gives details of the proposed new scoring system for the UKAC series and a proposal to permit the use of machine generated modes (MGM) in most V/UHF contests. These two […]

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RSGB 2015 Convention latest

| September 4, 2015

The RSGB Convention takes place over 9 to 11 October at Kent’s Hill Conference Centre in Milton Keynes. The provisional programme for Saturday and Sunday is now on the RSGB website. There will be a wealth of lectures on a very wide range of subjects. We are looking forward to welcoming some favourite lecturers back […]

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New call sign for Malta DMR repeater

| September 4, 2015

The first DMR repeater in Malta has been operating for some time and now has a new callsign, 9H1DMR. The frequencies of operation are 438.525MHz input and 430.925MHz output. It is hosted by C Bridge DMR UK, Colour Code 1 with slots TS1 and TS2. Amateurs visiting Malta are welcome to use the repeater using […]

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