Archive for August, 2015
RSGB responds to PC Pro article
An article mentioning amateur radio was included in the August issue of computer magazine PC Pro. As the national society for amateur radio, the RSGB responded to highlight the considerable changes that have occurred within amateur radio in the thirty years since the author gained his licence. It also outlined the important role that radio […]
Optimism for North Korea DXpedition
Persistent optimism continues to prop up the hopes of several individual radio amateurs and groups to mount a DXpedition to the most-wanted and elusive DXCC entity on the globe – the Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea, P5. EA5RM and EA7AJR met with North Korean officials earlier in August and are hopeful that permission will […]
Convention booking discount extended
The RSGB Convention takes place over the 9th to the 11th of October at Kent’s Hill Conference Centre in Milton Keynes. The latest lecture listing is on the RSGB website. The early booking discount for weekend packages has been extended to the 31st of August, so there’s still time to book your weekend at the […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
ARISS, or Amateur Radio on the International Space Station, has arranged a contact between the Space Station and a school in Switzerland on the 24th of August. This contact will be audible in Europe on 145.800MHz FM at 1224UTC for those interested to hear the contact between OR4ISS and HB9SG. The RSGB annual Construction Competition […]
GB2RS Script for 23 August 2015
Click here if your GB2RS News Script download does not start automatically
Rallies and Events News – 23 August 2015
Today, the 23rd, the Rugby Amateur Transmitting Society annual radio rally will be held at Princethorpe College, Princethorpe, Rugby CV23 9PX. Entry is £3, and the doors are open from 10am to 4pm. Sellers have access from 8.30am. Details from Tony, G0OLS on 07759 684 411. The Milton Keynes ARS Rally will take place on […]