Archive for July, 2015
Respond now to contest consultation
Amateurs interested in contesting have the opportunity to comment on the 2015 Contest Rules Consultation White paper, but time is running out. Your comments must be received by 7 August. The White Paper (4-page/91.8KB PDF) is available from the RSGB Contest Committee website and contains details of how to submit your comments.
Lightships weekend registrations strong
The International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend has attracted 370 registrations from 33 nations to date, with more expected before the event on 15 and 16 August. Germany has registered 65 stations, Australia 60, USA 50 and England about 40. At least 10 registrations each are from Argentina, Canada, Denmark, Netherlands, Scotland and South Africa and […]
New highlights for RSGB Convention
The RSGB Convention takes place over 9 to 11 October at Kent’s Hill Conference Centre in Milton Keynes. The lecture timetable is almost full now and details are on the RSGB website. As part of Saturday’s Contest University, Olof Lundberg, G0CKV will talk about how contesting is about having fun and that feeling of achievement […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
In Australia, the WIA have updated VHF/UHF band plans. This includes a move of their narrowband segment at 3.4GHz to circumvent loss of spectrum to LTE, with EME moving down to around 3398MHz as they have an allocation that goes lower than ours. The updated band plan also includes implementation of the new 144MHz satellite […]
G5RP Trophy
The RSGB Board has agreed an update to the policy for the awards that are presented at the Convention and the AGM. The biggest change is that they have widened the eligibility criteria for several of the AGM awards. Nominations are currently being sought for the G5RP Trophy that is awarded annually to encourage newcomers […]
New Licence terms to enter exams
We are getting closer to 1 October when the new UK Licence rules will be examined. The RSGB has now published updates to the Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced training books and they are now available on the Books Extra section of the RSGB website. A further announcement will be made as soon as the revised […]