Archive for June, 2015
OBE awarded to Prof. Chris Budd, G4NBG

Professor Chris Budd, G4NBG has been awarded an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for services to science and maths education Professor Budd has been a radio amateur and RSGB member since his teens, when he was introduced to it by his grandfather who held a licence in the 1920s and was a radio scientist […]
Convention lectures announced
The RSGB Convention takes place over the weekend of 9 to 11 October at Kent’s Hill Conference Centre in Milton Keynes. We are please to announce that Glenn Johnson, W0GJ will be speaking about the K1N DXpedition, a once in 32 years’ opportunity from Navassa Island, that was number one in the Most Wanted Entity […]
Medium wave experiments in US
A group of US medium wave experimental licensees will transmit greetings on 630m during the ARRL Field Day weekend on 27 and 28 June. While the 472 to 479 kHz band is not yet available for amateur radio use in the US, these greetings messages are allowed. See ARRL news article for details of callsigns […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
With the new UK amateur licence now in place, the exams need to change to reflect the current licence conditions. The RCF gave notice that the new rules will be examined from 1 October. The RSGB is now working on updates to the Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced training books and a further announcement will be […]
Inland Waterways on the Air event
The next British Inland Waterways on the Air event will be held over the August bank holiday weekend of 29 to 31 August. The event is open to all amateurs who are boaters, cyclists, walkers and other users of the canals, rivers, towpaths, riverbanks for work or recreation. The primary band will be 40m. More […]
ATV convention at Friedrichshafen
The British Amateur Television Club is helping to organise an ATV convention at the Ham Radio exhibition in Friedrichshafen, Germany on 26 June. Entitled Digital Amateur TV: State Of The Art And Trends, it will run for four hours. It will give an overview of current ATV activity in European countries and will cover the […]