Archive for June, 2015
News for England South West – 28 February 2015
We start with news from clubs that have several events this week. Cornish Radio Amateur Club is holding a committee meeting on Wednesday and a club evening on Thursday. Details from Steve, G7VOH, on 01209 844 939. Riviera Amateur Radio Club has its 2m net at 8pm on Wednesday on 145.425MHz. Thursday sees a club […]
News for Wales – 28 June 2015
On Monday Llanelli Amateur Radio Society is holding a junk sale. Contact Craig, MW0MXT, on 01269 845 773. Cleddau Amateur Radio Society is having a club night on Monday. The club net is on Tuesday. Details from Howard, MW0HVB, on 07955 433 456. On Thursday North Wales Radio Society is looking at VHF contest and […]
Tony Howard, G1TKX, 17 June 2015

b Sheffield, South Yorkshire 1957 – d Sheffield, South Yorkshire 17 June 2015, aged 58 Tony Howard was born in Sheffield and spent his entire life in the ‘Steel City’ otherwise, often referred to as ‘the biggest village in England’, a reference to the open, friendly people of the city. After attending primary and secondary […]
Richard Brett-Knowles, G3AAT, March 2015

Richard Brett-Knowles, G3AAT (B-K to his many friends) died in early March at the age of 91. Born in 1924, he was educated at Wellington School, where his abilities were recognised and, in those happy days before official obsession with health and safety prevented pupils from having any practical hands-on experience of technology at school, […]
Bill Pasternack, WA6ITF, 11 June 2015
A well-known voice in the Amateur Radio news media has gone silent. Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, of Santa Clarita, California, died June 11 following a period of ill health. He was 73. Pasternak was co-founder (with Jim Hendershot, WA6VQP) ofAmateur Radio Newsline™ (formerly The Westlink Report) ham radio news webcast and a frequent presence at Amateur […]
Eric Rodgers, G3MWN
It is with deep regret to announce the death of Eric Rodgers, G3MWN. Eric was a founder member of Mexborough & DARS which is to celebrate its 50th anniversary this year. Eric taught the RAE at the Mexborough club for 35 years and could be heard on 20m regularly in QSO with fellow amateurs in […]