Archive for June, 2015

Churches and Chapels on the Air

| June 5, 2015

Now a reminder to all groups and individuals who are planning to put a station on the air for the popular Churches and Chapels on the Air. The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, 12 September from 10.00 to 16.00. Please see the WACRAL website for details. Any individual or group wishing to […]

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Train the Trainers events roundup

| June 5, 2015

The remaining RSGB Train the Trainers events for 2015 are taking place on 13 June in Badsworth and 11 July in Merthyr Tydfil. These events continue to be popular and places are limited to ensure those attending can be given full attention by the delivery team. Early enquiries and booking are recommended. These events are […]

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RSGB Construction Competition 2015

| June 5, 2015

Now is the time to start planning your entry in the RSGB’s annual construction competition. The competition is to encourage home construction, experimentation, design and innovation. Any Member of the RSGB is eligible to enter. The closing date for 2015 entries is 30 September and judging will take place at the RSGB Convention in October. […]

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Scotland to host RSGB AGM 2016

| June 5, 2015

The RSGB Board has agreed that next year’s AGM should be held in Scotland. The venue will be the Glasgow City Hotel, 36 Cambridge Street, Glasgow, G2 3HN. The date of the AGM will be Saturday, 23 April 2016 and all paperwork for the 2016 AGM will appear in the March 2016 RadCom.

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Anthorn time signal planned outage

| June 5, 2015

The MSF 60kHz time and frequency signal broadcast from Anthorn Radio Station will be shut down on 11 June from 10.00 to 14.00. The interruption to the transmission is required to allow maintenance work to be carried out in safety. See for details.

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| June 5, 2015

The RSGB Board has agreed that next year’s AGM should be held in Scotland. Whilst the venue has yet to be agreed, it is likely to be in Edinburgh or Glasgow. The date of the AGM will be Saturday, 23 April 2016. Details of the venue will be published later and all paperwork for the […]

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