Archive for April, 2015
RadCom Plus, Vol. 1, No. 1

To read this edition, tap or click cover image Contents 4 The DG8 Ian White, GM3SEK builds a low-cost, high performance masthead preamp for 2m that uses a novel method of Tx/Rx switching 12 Building a Dual Z-Match Covering 1.8MHz to 146MHz, Bob Burns, G3OOU designed this wide frequency range dual Z-Match for use with […]
Emergency nets in volcano disaster relief
Southern Chile’s Calbuco volcano erupted this week for the first time in more than 40 years, forcing the evacuation of an area of some 12 miles around the volcano. Approximately 5,000 residents have been relocated and ash, which measures nearly seven miles, has been reported from as far away as Argentina. IARU Region 2 reports […]
Kenyan amateurs gain 6m band
Following representations by the Amateur Radio Society of Kenya, the Communications Authority of Kenya has allocated 50 to 52MHz to the amateur service. Authorisation is on a Secondary, non-interference, basis and has been made possible by the migration of television services from analogue to digital. Permitted power is 150 watts DC input or 400 watts […]
Can you identify Portishead equipment?
A film production company is looking for help from radio amateurs, particularly those who had a career in the maritime industry. A large portion of their film’s props are themed around radios, transmitters, receivers and all the other equipment that is related to maritime radio. Portishead Radio Station is one of the sets that is […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
The RSGB’s Twitter name has been changed to @theRSGB. Follow us at that account for regular amateur radio news, images, events and Member offers. Take a look at the profile header picture and see the winning photo from our Twitter photo competition, submitted by Adam, MM0KFX. Congratulations to Adam and to the two runners-up, Vaughan, […]
New Twitter name for RSGB
The RSGB’s Twitter name has been changed to @theRSGB. Follow us at that account for regular amateur radio news, images, events and Member offers. Take a look at the profile header picture and see the winning photo from our Twitter photo competition, submitted by Adam, MM0KFX. Congratulations to Adam and to the two runners-up, Vaughan, […]