Archive for October, 2014

Two new RCE appointments

| October 17, 2014
Two new RCE appointments

The RCF is now pleased to announce two new volunteer appointments that will fulfil the quality management requirements. Dave Wilson, M0OBW, is appointed RCE Quality Assurance Manager and Ian Shepherd, G4EVK, is appointed RCE Standards Manager. The full terms of reference of these new posts, which replace the former Quality Manager role, can be found […]

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Last call for Ofcom Consultation

| October 17, 2014

All radio amateurs are reminded that the closing date for responses to the Ofcom consultation paper Updating the Amateur Radio Licence is tomorrow, 20 October 2014. It is vital that anyone with an opinion on the proposals takes the time to put their views online. The RSGB has published detailed guidance about the key questions […]

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NoVs available for extension to 2m band

| October 17, 2014

Ofcom will be releasing 1MHz of additional spectrum to radio amateurs on the 2m band on a temporary basis. The frequencies, from 146 to 147MHz, will be available via a Notice of Variation to Full licence holders only from 31 October. Applications for Notices of Variations can be made via the RSGB website.

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New Secondary Prefix for Cornwall

| October 17, 2014

Ofcom have advised the RSGB that they have agreed in principle to the use of the secondary locator K for Cornwall, but that details of how this will be implemented have yet to be determined. We expect further information after Ofcom have considered the responses to the current licence review consultation.

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New Chair for TEC

| October 17, 2014

The RSGB has appointed Philip Willis, M0PHI as the new Chair of the RSGB Training and Education Committee to succeed Steve Hartley, G0FUW. Philip was already a member of the Committee and Steve will be handing over Committee tasks in the coming days and weeks, so you can expect a little parallel running for a […]

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Youth Committee members wanted

| October 17, 2014

There’s still time to apply for a place on the RSGB’s Youth Committee. Applicants must be under 26 years of age and be Members of the Society, which includes Junior and Student Members. Applications should be sent to the General Manager no later than 31 October at

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