Archive for September, 2014

Also in GB2RS this week…

| September 12, 2014

Slow scan television appears to be once again operational from the International Space Station. On 6 September the ISS slow scan television experiment was activated from the Russian service module on 145.800MHz FM. This followed an unsuccessful test back on 27August when only the carrier was detected but no SSTV audio tones were heard. Clubs […]

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Rallies and Events News – 14 September 2014

| September 12, 2014

The TARS 50th annual Communications Fair takes place today, 14 September, at Newton Abbot Race Course, Devon TQ12 3AF. The event is indoors and there will be trade stands, a bring-and-buy as well as an RSGB book stall. Doors open at 10am and admissions is £2. Details from Mike Dixon on 01803 557 941. The […]

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Special Events News – 14 September 2014

| September 12, 2014

Throughout September, Pontefract and District ARS will be remembering those who fought in the Battle of Britain by using the callsign GB4BOB. The Royal Engineers Association Radio Branch will be running GB1WWR in remembrance of World War One from Fort Amherst in Chatham, Kent today, 14 September. This is the Corps Memorial and Veterans weekend. […]

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DX News – 14 September 2014

| September 12, 2014

Nigel, G3TXF and Paul, ZS1S will be on Gough Island, AF-030, until 3 October. Nigel will operate as ZD9XF on CW and Paul will sign ZD9ZS on SSB. Four Australian operators will sign VK9NT from Norfolk Island, OC-005, until 21 September. Look for them on all bands from 10 to 160m using SSB and CW. […]

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Contest News – 14 September 2014

| September 12, 2014

The SSB leg of the Worked All Europe Contest ends at 2359UTC today, the 14th, after 48 hours on the air. The contest is on the 3.5 to 28MHz bands. The exchange is signal report and serial number and EU stations work non-EU stations only. The Worked All Britain 144MHz QRO Phone contest takes place […]

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Propagation News – 14 September 2014

| September 12, 2014

On the 4th two large sunspot regions rotated into view and between them they produced numerous C class solar flares everyday and one M class solar flares on the 6th and the 9th and two on the 11th. On the 10th activity increased to high when a X1 class flare occurred, the first since the […]

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