Archive for August, 2014

New Chairman for Spectrum Forum

| August 1, 2014

The RSGB’s Board of Directors has appointed Murray Niman, G6JYB, to the position of Chairman of its Spectrum Forum. The Spectrum Forum brings together the RSGB with special interest groups within the UK amateur community that share an interest in spectrum management. Murray is no stranger to spectrum matters, having held the post of RSGB […]

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European Youth event on 20 and 21 September

| August 1, 2014

The European Radio Amateurs’ Organisation is holding a youth event on 20 and 21 September and is encouraging other countries to join in. Called ‘Give Youth a Chance’, the aim is to promote amateur radio among young people, enabling them to have fun and meet other amateurs all over the world. Where regulations permit, licensed […]

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Amateur balloon flies round the world

| August 1, 2014

The 434MHz solar powered party balloon B-64, launched by Leo, M0XER, is passing the UK at the end of a record breaking journey around the world. Leo launched his balloon from Silverstone on 12 July. It traveled east across Asia, the Pacific and the Americas and completed the final transatlantic crossing arriving over Cornwall on […]

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New FUNcube-1 dashboard

| August 1, 2014

Last weekend saw the AMSAT-UK Colloquium take place. Jim, G3WGM and Ciaran, M0XTD gave a presentation on the FUNcube-1 mission. The presentation included the announcement of a new version of the FUNcube-1 Dashboard. This has greatly improved decoding performance for weak signals—especially for FUNcube Dongle users. Additionally the Dashboard can now activate the Bias-T pre-amp […]

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Exams at the RSGB Convention

| August 1, 2014

As has become a tradition, both UK and USA exams will be available at the RSGB Convention in October. The UK exams will be hosted by the RSGB Training and Education Committee and Paul Steed, G0VEP, will be hosting the USA exams. UK Foundation and Intermediate will be held on Saturday 11 October and the […]

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Also in GB2RS this week

| August 1, 2014

As has become a tradition, both UK and USA exams will be available at the RSGB Convention in October. The UK exams will be hosted by the RSGB Training and Education Committee and Paul Steed, G0VEP, will be hosting the USA exams. UK Foundation and Intermediate will be held on Saturday 11 October and the […]

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