Archive for June, 2014
News for Wales – 15 June 2014
On Sunday 15 June Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society is participating in the PW 2m contest. On Tuesday 17 there is a talk on software defined radio by Jeff, GW3UZS. Contact Lloyd, 2W0LLT on 01239 711 297 for further details. On Monday 16 June Cleddau Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on using the club’s […]
Noise Measurement Campaign on the RSGB website
The Noise Measurement Campaign, started in August 2013, now has a dedicated webpage at The Campaign is an attempt to monitor the HF background noise and to display the results for different locations around the country. Anyone can submit measurements. The project is aimed at making people more aware of their local noise environment, […]
IOTA 50th Anniversary celebration next month
The RSGB’s IOTA programme is celebrating its 50th anniversary at a conference at Beaumont House, Windsor on 4 to 6 July. Full details of the conference are in the July RadCom that will arrive with Members next week, or can be found on the website at Visitors will be interested to know that DXCC […]
Swiss 5MHz beacon goes on the air
Although the 60m band has not been released for amateur radio in Switzerland, the Sursee Amateur Radio Club has obtained the necessary authorisations for a 5MHz experimental beacon project. HB9AW became operational on 5291kHz at 0000hrs on 1 June. The transmission commences with the callsign HB9AW in CW, followed by five 2-second dashes. The dashes […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
The next ARRL Kids Day operating event sponsored by the Boring Oregon Amateur Radio Club is planned for Saturday 21 June. Kids Day is not a contest but rather a twice yearly way for licensed amateurs to share the fun and excitement of our hobby with those who could be the next generation of licensees. Kids Day […]
Rallies and Events – 8 June 2014
The 13th Junction 28 QRP Rally will take place today, 8 June, at Alfreton Leisure Centre, Church Street, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 7BD. It is organised by South Normanton Alfreton and District Amateur Radio Club in association with the G QRP Club. Doors open at 10am and there will be trade stands, special interest groups and […]