Archive for April, 2014
Propagation Studies Committee meeting, 5 April 2014
Follow the link below to read the minutes of this meeting. Propagation Studies Committee Meeting, 5 April 2014 (12-page/531KB PDF)
GB2RS News Script for 6 April 2014
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Extended opening for National Radio Centre
The RSGB National Radio Centre, at Bletchley Park is now open five days per week from Wednesday to Sunday from 10.30am until 4.30pm throughout the year. The volunteers look forward to meeting interested amateurs as well as members of the public. If you wish to operate the state of the art GB3RS station, please take your […]
Keep emergency frequencies clear for Chile
The Radio Club de Chile has been called to assist in the aftermath of the earthquake in Chile on 1 April. As we completed this news script, nets are operating on 7.055, 14.25, and 21.315MHz depending on propagation and time of day. The net controls are asking other radio amateurs to please keep these frequencies […]
New spectrum released for Short Range Devices
Ofcom has published a statement on the release of spectrum in the 870 to 876MHz and 915 to 921MHz bands for Short Range Devices, which can be used for machine to machine communications. The UK will be among the first countries in Europe to make this spectrum available. Read the statement at
Also in GB2RS this week…
International Amateur Radio Day is celebrated each year on 18 April to commemorate the anniversary of the founding of the IARU in Paris in 1925. This year the theme is “Amateur Radio: Your Gateway to Wireless Communication”. It is an opportunity for amateurs to show their expertise in digital and wireless communications to those in […]