Archive for March, 2014

England South-West News – 9 March 2014

| March 7, 2014

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society is having a social and natter night tonight.  On G4RFR will be on the air and next Sunday there’s an ATV demo by John, M1BAI. Details from John, G4POF, by email to Exeter Amateur Radio Society is holding its […]

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Wales News – 9 March 2014

| March 7, 2014

On Thursday 13 March Aberystwyth and District Amateur Radio Society is having a presentation from 8pm at Waunfawr Hall by Fred, MW0LBR on the 4×4 Response Club and using APRS. Details from Ray, GW7AGG, on 01970 611 853. On Thursday 13 March Marches Amateur Radio Society is having a natter night and looking at the […]

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ATV transmissions from ISS

| March 7, 2014
ATV transmissions from ISS

The ham video transmitter was installed in the Columbus module of the International Space Station on 6 March at approximately 10.00 UTC. The transmitter was powered on briefly and all control LEDs were nominal. The first Commissioning step is planned for 8 March. Using call sign OR4ISS, crew will power on the ham video transmitter […]

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CW programme on BBC Alba

| March 4, 2014

On 4 March 2014, BBC Alba showed a programme on CW and its use on ships throughout the 20th century. The Stirling and District Amateur Radio Society, GM6NX has a 10 minute feature where they describe CW on the amateur bands and give a tour of their shack. The programme is in Gaelic, but there […]

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Friday Hall – the exam base in North London

| March 3, 2014
Friday Hall – the exam base in North London

Silverthorn Radio Club will be holding the Advanced Exam on Tuesday, 1 July at 7pm at Friday Hall, 56 Friday Hill, Chingford, London, E4 6JT. This event is open not only to club members but also to anyone else who wishes to take the Advanced exam on that date. If you want to take up […]

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