Archive for February, 2014

Bulgarian amateurs get new bands

| February 14, 2014

New amateur bands have been allowed in Bulgaria. In the future, LZ amateurs will be able to use bands 472-479kHz, 5250-5450kHz and 70.0-70.5MHz. In addition, the 1.8MHz band has been extended up to 2MHz. All those bands have to be used on secondary basis.

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UK amateur hears Jade Rabbit on the Moon

| February 14, 2014

Beijing’s Jade Rabbit lunar rover had been thought to be dead but its radio signal on 8.4GHz was received by radio amateur Paul Marsh, M0EYT on 12 February. This is a remarkable achievement as the relatively low-power transmitter was never intended to be received by amateurs on Earth. News outlets including CNN have reported on […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| February 14, 2014

The RSGB Centenary Challenge finished at the end of 2013. Downloadable certificates are now available, free of charge, for all amateurs in the British Isles who worked at least 16 Regions and or Bands as recorded on the online leaderboard. Go to to claim your certificate. We recently reported on an event in the […]

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Rallies and Events News – 16 February 2014

| February 14, 2014

The Radio-Active Rally takes place today, 16 February, in the Civic Hall, Nantwich, Cheshire CW5 5DG. Doors open at 10.30am and there will be trade stands and a Bring and Buy. More details from Tim on 01948 519 249. The Brats Rainham Radio Rally will be held on Sunday 23 February at Rainham School for […]

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Special Events News – 16 February 2014

| February 14, 2014

This weekend there will be stations operating for Thinking Day on the Air using special GB100 callsigns celebrating 100 years of the Brownies. Amongst those operating will be GB100EDG for Easingwold District Guides, GB100LB for Llandovery Brownies, GB100WB with Wingerworth Brownies and GB100SWD for Scarborough West Division Brownies. Keep a listen out for these stations […]

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DX News – 16 February 2014

| February 14, 2014

A team will be activating the Azores until 3 March including the ARRL DX Contest, both CW and SSB, and the CQ 160m SSB Contest. A variety of callsigns will be used such as CR2A and CR2X in contests, and CU2KG and CU2KH otherwise. W5JON, who also holds the call V47JA, will be on the […]

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